7 Tips for Learning Languages 2-7

Learning Language
2. Study everyday and continously

Learning a foreign language is not easy, but people can learn at least a second language "if" they are willing to put the necessary effort in it. A language course is much more different from any other course which you took or will take.  Therefore, study everyday because the more time you spend with the foreign language, the faster you will learn. Be aware that you don´t have the luxury to study only at course hours.

3. Divide your study time

Many linguistic specialist express and academic research shows that foreign language students learn more effectively and retain more when they study frequently and for short time periods. 
Study several times a day (each day), this means divide your excercises and learn each day a few of them instead of studying them all at once. 

4. Learn vocabulary

There are many ways to learn vocabulary but one of the best way is using flashcards. In addition to this, carry always a pocket dictionary (or use a cell phone dictionary software) with you so that you can look up each time in it for words you would like to know at any time.

5. Read and Listen to medias like music,films and tv channels

Listening and reading are keys of a language. Therefore, if you keep listening and reading you will get used to very quick. There are also researchs that show that listening and reading is more efficient than many hours of course time.

Try to read everything you can find but for the beginning not that much complicated books, magazines, news papers or articles which contain many technical words. This can discourage you.
Try to listen to music which will help you to understand and get better emotions of it.
The best way is to listen to music while you have also the original text with you. YOU WILL ENJOY IT........

Try to follow watching to the news, advertisements, documentary,...... in that particular foreign language.

Try to watch movies with subtitels, this is on if the best ways to understand and learn a foreign language also in slang.

6. Practice foreign language with native speakers and speak out loud, and writing

Try to get in contact with native speakers so that you can practice your knowledge also outside of the class. This will help you in many ways and it will shorten the time while learning your foreign language. In many cases chat friends are also a good opportunity to improve your writings and grammar knowledge unless they write in slang ; )
If you do not have the possibility to get any native speaker around you read and speak always loud out. 

7. Get help don´t hesitate to contact your teacher

Get always help before getting upset. Get in contact with your teacher. Use tutoring services.

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